Statistical Analysis Using SPSS and Customizing Research Citations via ENDNOTE

Monday, Nov 10, 2014
Statistical Analysis Using SPSS and Customizing Research Citations via ENDNOTE

In coordination with the Human Resources Department of Ajman University of Science & Technology, the College of Business Administration has organized a training course on IBM SPSS software.

The three-day SPSS and EndNote training session that took place in October has exposed the participants to various steps in choosing appropriate statistical tests. By using SPSS, participants were guided through performing statistical tests with special emphasis on hypothesis testing via hands-on approach. Indeed, the use of SPSS generates abundance of numbers or results and the participants were guided to interpret each of the results in a simple approach. The participants had explored the enormous potential of statistical tools in understanding their datasets in the first two days. The third day session exposed the participants to simple and easy-to-use citation software, which eliminates and solves all their citations nightmares. Moreover, the participants were exposed to techniques on how to revise and edit all their citations tailored to journals' specification within just few seconds.

Training Objectives and Outcomes

This training is critical to expose, enhance and refresh researchers' skills in identifying, performing and interpreting statistical results using SPSS and creating and customizing citations via EndNote. Specifically, this training aim to expose the participants to the following:

  • The importance and use of SPSS
  • Various statistical tests offered by SPSS
  • Interpreting statistical results
  • The importance of proper citations in research papers
  • Various citation styles in research
  • Creating, editing, importing and revising citations using ENDNOTE

Upon successful completion of this session, the participants were able to:

  • Identify appropriate statistical tests for data analysis 
  • Perform and properly interpret the relevant statistical tests
  • Prepare an empirical research paper supported by appropriate statistical tests
  • Prepare appropriate and professional citations in research reports 
  • Customize and revise citation styles within few seconds